Sunday, December 2, 2018

Japan's Fall Scene: Yoro Falls in Gifu

One thing I like about the Japanese is that they take pride in their four seasons and find beauty in each one. When the leaves start to change colour in the fall many people will trek out just to view their bright red leaves.

Every year I try to get out and see the Japanese maple trees in autumn. In the Tokai area (central Japan) the momiji viewing starts about mid November until the first week in December. It's not just about going out to a forest area to see the trees, in Japan there are parks, temples or shrines and gondolas in the mountains to go and see the fall colours. They make it easy to get out to with buses or public transit and once you arrive there are pathways and maps to make sure you don't get lost in nature.

This year I visited Yoro Falls in the Gifu prefecture. It was a perfect sunny day with a slight chill, but the uphill walk to the falls warmed me up quite a bit.

The first part of the walk up
It took about 10-15min to get to parking lot at the bottom of the mountain from Yoro Station. The leaves were already starting to change colour from there. I love the contrast of the bright red and still green momiji (Japanese Maple) leaves. The momiji are different than Canadian maples as they are smaller and daintier, and only turn red as opposed to yellow and orange as well.
Midway up
The path of stairs follows the river up to the falls to make the scenery even more serene.

Almost at the top, area around the gift stores
Near the top there is an area to catch a bite or buy some omiyage (souvenirs). Although some of the leaves were still green, there were some that screamed autumn. I imagine the peak would have been a week or so later, or the last week in November.

Yoro Falls
The steep walk up (about 15 min) was worth it! Just look at the beautiful waterfall framed by colourful momiji!

Obento and the falls
No one else did this, but we bought a department store obento (lunchbox) before getting on the train to Yoro. I'm so glad we did (I'm not the one who carried it all the way though)! It was so nice to have a slow lunch break on a nice day right in front of the falls. I highly recommend doing this!

A close up at the top part of the falls
Back at the bottom of this mountain
Be sure to cross the little bridge at the bottom of the mountain, before the parking lot to see this beautiful landscape.

I hope you enjoyed my first post on this blog. There are so many places to capture the fall colours and I'll eventually get around to telling you about some of the places I've visited in all my years living here.

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