Thursday, August 27, 2020

Tirol Chocolate Flavour #21: Cream Soda

 21. Cream Soda (2020)

When I think of cream soda I think of a very sweet soda drink. This new Tirol Chocolate is not only successful in recreating the sweetness, it also gives you a soda feel! Keep reading to see what I mean.

Flavours: watermelon, white chocolate

For some reason, the flavour that came to mind was watermelon rather than the cream soda that I am used to. I have not had cream soda in Japan since I'm not such a big pop drinker, but perhaps this is what it is like here. The most impressive part of this chocolate is the layer of pop rocks that explode in the mouth. It was really smart of Tirol to use this. So that's what I meant by having a soda feel!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

More Kit Kats in Japan

In my previous post about Kit Kats in Japan I mentioned that the interesting flavours are hard to find without having to buy a large package, but I've found a couple more loose Kit Kats sold in the convenience store lately.

The first is a lemon flavour. It is sweet and lemony with a accents of slight sourness and salt. The tanginess and the salt to bring out the sweetness make it actually quite nice. 

The second find was a hojicha, or a roasted green tea flavour. I found this one goes exceptionally well with the characteristic wafer of a Kit Kat. The package says this is an "adult's chocolate", meaning it is not as sweet as the regular ones, and this is perfect to bring out the toastiness of hojicha. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Tirol Chocolate Flavour #20: Vanilla Soft Cream

20. Vanilla Soft Cream (2020)

Who doesn't like a scoop of vanilla soft ice cream? Although it's not cold, Tirol Chocolate made the perfect flavour to remind you of a hot summer day.

Flavours: cigar cookies, cream, vanilla

The overall flavour I got was that of those delicate and buttery cigar cookies, or I guess they may be called rolled wafers as well. This must have come from the feuilletine flakes (French pastry crunch), that were on the ingredient list. It's strange that vanilla was not on this list, but I assume it was part of the flakes. The chocolate was creamy and felt like melted ice cream on the tongue.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Yoshinoya For a Traditional Japanese Breakfast

 There are two types of breakfast in Japan, the Western one involving bread and the traditional one involving rice. For me I find it easier to stick a piece of bread in the toaster, cut up some fruit and scoop out some yogurt into a cup in the mornings. I do however enjoy the Japanese breakfast, usually when I stay over at a hotel. 

Did you know the famous, widespread chain, Yoshinoya, famous for their gyu-don (beef bowls) serve up a very affordable Japanese breakfast? They open quite early for those that have to get to work early, and the breakfast menu is available until 11am. Items on the menu include salmon, mackerel, salad, a small bowl of their simmered beef, natto, ham and eggs. All of their set meals include rice and miso soup. It's a simple breakfast that at a hotel would cost you a bit, but Yoshinoya is also known for their very affordable prices, so you could eat a full breakfast for only 338-548 yen!

Here I ordered the salmon, natto and natto breakfast (538 yen) and swapped the miso soup with asari jiru (miso soup with clams) for an extra 93 yen. This particular branch also had a side of jako oroshi (small Japanese sardines with grated daikon). Although nothing really stands out besides the volume and price, it sure was a satisfying breakfast of champs.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Tirol Chocolate Flavour #19: Sesame Biscuit

19. Sesame Biscuit (2020)

I'm not sure if I've ever had a sesame biscuit before but this Tirol Chocolate makes me want to have one! Sesame really does work in sweets...

Flavours: white chocolate, sesame, cookie

The outer white chocolate layer has a creamy sesame flavour, while the inside is crunchy with real roasted sesame and bits of biscuit. This might be the healthiest of the Tirol chocolates with a lower calorie count and the health benefits of sesame!